Blogging Review

The year has come and gone.  Last week, I recapped my running in 2017 and now it’s time to recap blogging since this is a Running Blog. I have begun to think a lot about blogging in 2018.  Where is it going?  Is it dying?  Will fueledbyLOLZ die?

Eventually yes, all good things must come to an end.  I have a longer post about the direction the blog will “go”.  Mentally I have written the post, but I haven’t strung 500 words together.  In summary, I probably won’t kill FueledbyLOLZ, but I will post less in 2018.

Instead of focusing on 2018 (which I will do at some point), it’s always fun to look back at the year and hanging out with friends and fellow bloggers and internet users.

danielle amelia and i
Danielle, Amelia, and I

Most Popular Posts from 2017:

My Running Story: My about me, running page.

My Running Burnout: What led to about 4 months off of running/racing.

Should You Race in Racing Flats?

Care Free Training

Interestingly enough, a lot of my shoe posts are the “top” posts.  Yet, they seem to have the least comments.  

Top Searches:

Thomas Edison Me New Jersey Isn't Boring
Hanging out with Cyd of NJ Isn’t Boring at the Edison Museum

Top Referrers:



Runners World Festival
Blogging brought many new friendships!
Photo Credit Marty D.

Thoughts about Blogging:

I do like blogging and I enjoy it as an outlet.  For me, blogging will never pay “the bills”.  I am lucky that I do occasionally get sponsored posts which equate to extra spending money.  Those come and go and are completely unpredictable.

Plus, I don’t accept sponsored posts from something I wouldn’t personally use or buy which also limits how many I receive.  It’s nice to receive sponsored posts, but will they pay the bills?  No.   It’s also nice to receive free product to review and try, and I’m always cautious when I do that (for instance, I’m clear in shoe reviews if I didn’t pay for shoes…which 95% of the time, I paid for them).

The platforms of which people choose to blog is also changing.  With Instagram growing, many running bloggers have stopped sharing posts or writing lengthy posts and gone to microposts on instagram.  You must do what works for you.  I am not there yet because I do see blogging as an outlet.  While my grammar and spelling leave a lot to be desired, it’s nice to connect with other bloggers and readers in that form, especially my “real life” friends (and dad) that don’t use social media but subscribe only to blog posts.

Blogging is 2017 wasn’t my highest viewership, in fact one of my lowest, but I still enjoyed it.  At the end of the day I blog for “me” but it’s nice to share the experience with others.  If I wanted to keep a personal diary (which I do keep a personal notepad), I wouldn’t press publish on a public website.  Thanks wordpress for being more organized than I am…

blogging stats

Questions for you:

Bloggers: How was your 2017 in terms of actual blogging?

Do you have a favorite post?  Do you keep a personal diary?

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1 Comment

  1. Happy New Year Hollie. I love your blog. I may be impartial to the Diner posts as I am almost a foodie. Not sure if I have a favorite as I appreciate them all. Especially like the fly in destinations. Cheers.

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