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How to Stay Motivated to Run


How to Stay Motivated to Run

Last Friday, I was anything but motivated to run.  The amount I wanted to run wasn’t just 0%; it was probably -20%.  My motivation to run was not there.

As a runner and a running blogger, I am supposed to be motivated to run all of the time, right?  Otherwise, I have failed at my self-created duties! It can be hard to stay motivated to run every single day. In fact, I think it’s impossible — every runner, from the new runner to the professional, struggles with running motivation at some point during their career.

What happened that particular day?

Ultimately around 1 pm, I found myself with a choice.  Either I was going to run, or I was not going to run.  I had my running clothing in the car, and instead of going straight home to think about running, I went straight to the gym.

I can’t tell you I’ve always decided to go for a run when I’m not motivated, but on Friday, I managed to get a solid treadmill run in.

Many people ask how to stay motivated to keep running.

The short answer is: you just do. Running motivation has to come from you wanting to run, not from a blog post telling you how to.

Here are a Few Tips for How to Stay Motivated to Run:

Remember, at the end of the day; it’s just running.  If you take a day or two off, that’s fine.  Your overall fitness is built on consistently running, not just one day.

Finally, have you subscribed to the LOLZletter? It’s a free newsletter that comes out each Monday. In the newsletter, I share running industry trends and things relevant to the sport. 

Questions for you:
What are some tips you have to motivated to run? 
What is something you’ve accomplished recently?

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