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Raindeer Run 5k (19:04)


Well I don’t get it either.  Last Sunday I ran the Binghamton 5k and ran a 20:10.  I was mentally prepared.  I had eaten remotely healthy and what you eat before races (I guess…meaning I didn’t eat a one pound huge steak) and you know had mentally prepared myself to run quickly.

Friday morning, my dad left me a note on the counter that said “Free 5k on base if you want to do it”, so I thought oh why not.  So with that I drove to the base and met dad at work and we went over.  We warmed up (as dad and I always do) and I immediately thought…oh I’m feeling like I drove 700 miles and ran 10 yesterday.  Oh wait…I did!  I really feel like the worse I feel during warmup, the better I race.

Moving on, they just called the start out of absolutely nowhere.  A small panic occurred when I thought my watch hadn’t synched up (I know…who am I) but realized it had.  I’m in love with getting my splits during races now. I felt extremely smooth during the first mile.  I was literally sailing (5:38).  Everything felt awesome.

The second mile, we ran in sand and up the only hill.  This mentally challenged me…mostly because I was thinking…sand..what, I’m done with cross country.  (6:31…the exact same time as my second mile last race).

The third mile, I was thought damn apparently I do run hills because I caught some people on the hill.  So it gave me extra confidence boost to hammer down and run a 6:15.  I don’t ever negative split 5ks (normally I’m at cardiac arrest by this point) so that was for the win. 

I finished in 19:04.

I have to say my favorite part of the race was getting my medal and posing next to Santa. I want to try and find this photos somewhere.  Santa was obviously a young military man and I was like “Santa you look pretty young” and in the most creepy voice (creepier then dudes trying to get in your pants at the bar) he says: “Oh but I am”. 

So that is that and certainly a confidence booster in my road to a sub 18:35 (6 minute paced) 5k.  To give you an idea this is only 7 seconds slower than my 5k PR. 

Questions for you:

1.       Do you do better if you feel like crap during warmup?

2.       What is the longest drive you’ve ever made alone? 

For me, it’s the 700 miles too and from Upstate NY to VA Beach. 

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