Views on Coaching

I’m not going to apologize but I would say the majority of my blogs this week are going to be about running.  Where my running is going, why I think coaches are a GOOD idea and just random thoughts about the Houston Marathon. 

Now that we cleared that up.  I’ll also try and add photos so they aren’t a snooze fest.  I said try-we can’t put too much hope into me now can we. 

I promised a blog of where my training was going and I wrote one up.  Sadly, my coach and I decided that we were COMPLETELY changing my training focus so the blog was pretty much meaningless.  Well it had meaning but it wasn’t going to be what I was doing. 

So today I’ll chat you up about why I think coaches are a great idea for anyone who is training with purpose or for a certain race.  I’m not saying you have to be hardcore training for a full marathon or half complete with speed workouts but I have found myself already reaching more potential having someone to back me up.

I could sit here on the computer and google every little thing about running, read every piece of print ever created or listen to many youtube videos teaching me proper methods to run and proper training schedules.  It doesn’t mean my body will react to them the same way as they were intended.

For instance, most people don’t need to run 50 miles to train for a half.  For me personally, my body is doing EXTREMELY well at running 70 miles per week.  Something I had not once thought possible during cross country season and coming back from my injury.  Something when my coach suggested my word for word answer was “So do you want me to peel over and die too?”

But I trusted him and can very easily tell you I wouldn’t have done it by myself.

Although my coach does not sit and scream workouts down my throat (another thing I would not respond well too), he does mentor me and show me things he thinks will be beneficial to my body (and that have been).   I don’t see him everyday or talk to him everyday but I know if I needed too I could.  He knows-I’m the definition of independent which is another bonus for the both of us.

I truly think that every single person could benefit for a little while from a coach to help guide them.  You can google yourself a fancy training plan, but training plans aren’t normally tailored to you found from google.  True story: I just googled training plan for Hollie and found nothing… There will always be something you never thought about.  There will always be something you can tweak to improve your times.

For instance the first change that came to me with my half training plan is that I do not have a said “long run” most weeks.  Maybe every two weeks or so-I’ll do a straight up 15 miler.  Normally and 9 times out of ten I would rather run a 10 and a 5 miler in a day.  My coach gets that.  My only real criteria in my plan is to get long easy miles in.

So I guess what I’m saying is that in my opinion, everyone could benefit from a coach for training for something.  Not necessarily someone screaming down your throat to finish a hard run, but to motivate and know as much about your training as you do.  To understand and motivate you when you are feeling like utter crap.  Sure you could google every answer to running imaginable but it doesn’t mean you won’t overlook something in your own training.

*I’m not saying that every person will mesh well with every coach.  I’m also not saying that I don’t google running training like it’s my job.  I’m just saying it’s always good to have a second opinion!  😉 

What are your thoughts about coaching?

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  1. I think it’s really useful to have a coach, even if you know all the physiology and periodization stuff. You need somebody to look from outside in and say “no buddy, that’s not going to work.” I work with a coach for running/triathlon/open water races, and she makes sure that I don’t put in too much volume or garbage miles/yards.

    And for what it is worth, most coaches also have their own coaches for this very reason. It’s too hard to see for yourself when you are executing workouts incorrectly or overtraining.

  2. Nice! I find having a coach is more important for telling me when to back off than when to work harder.

  3. I’ve had a diet/nutrition coach for a few years now and it was a godsend… this time around I have a coach and a team supporting me. I find it really is making a huge difference having someone do my workouts as well at my nutrition. While I was doing great on my own, sometimes you need a little bit more, that outside view to really push it. Cant wait to hear more about your (crazy) training!

  4. I agree 100%. For me, having a coach or even just a trainer like I do now helps me to push myself. Sometimes it does the opposite, but with good reason – if my coach or trainer thinks I’m doing to much, I’ll back off. You need someone to see you from the outside to push you to do things you might not be able to get yourself to do on your own or to see things that you might not realize otherwise. And for me, a coach is just one more person I can ramble about running to.

  5. I wish I had a coach. I miss having someone stand over me and tell me what to do. I lose my motivation and drive so much quicker without someone there telling me what to do. And since I am only a pretend runner, I think it would be very beneficial!

  6. I totally understand where your coming from and I think that’s great that a coach has worked out for you so well. For me though, I found not having a coach works out 10x better for me. In the long run, I know my body better than anyone ever could and I am able to tweak my running on my own. I don’t know maybe I’m the exception to the rule, but I’ve found it works out better for me. I can see why you like a coach though, your doing amazing! 🙂

  7. I agree! I feel as if I do well without a coach for running. For swimming it’s another story 😉 I like your idea of breaking a long run up! I might have to try that some time!

  8. I think a coach that you trust and believe in is so valuable, but it takes time/effort to find this mentor.

  9. I’ve never had a coach or a trainer (I never ran in high school or college), but I think accountability definitely helps. A lot of people just aren’t motivated without someone on them, but then you have people like me who need someone to tell them to back off or either show them how to train smarter.

    I don’t even think we have running coaches around here unless you run for a team or a school… a few of the workers at my gym are runners but they’re all dudes. Nothing against dudes, just these guys, not sure they really “get it”…

  10. I think it would be nice to have a running coach, just because I don’t have much experience with running as a sport and I have SO much room to improve. I could really benefit from the knowledge a coach would bring. That said, I’m not competitive about running so I would have to come up with some goal first to work towards.

    Swimming, swimming, swimming. I WISH I had a good coach to run my practices. They’re in short supply round here.

  11. I’ve had coaches from running, swimming, triathlon-ing (is that a word?), gymnastics, archery, karate and diving. In all the sports, it definitely helped me to have a coach. Especially in swimming, finding the right coach was essential for dropping time… I went through a few coaches at first- no time dropped for me, every swimmer is different and respond to different training methods. I just didn’t work for their coaching style- before I finally found one that was able to get me to drop time.

  12. I feel that having a coach is a key part in moving forward and making preformance gains. Sure, it is possible to do the above solo but by having someone watch your back and give feedback it makes it easier and usually safer! I do much better with a coach for my training and I feel more in key with my efforts 🙂 I’m glad you brough this topic up as it’s good to see others views!

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