
I had a different post for today but then Tim and I got engaged. 

First and foremost, I’m very happy.  Tim and I have always had a great relationship.  Although he doesn’t make a huge appearance on my blog, he is a huge part of my life.  I don’t know if it’s really hit me yet that we are engaged.  We are going to be getting married!  I’m honestly not even sure that it has hit me that I’m adult and nearly two years out of college…but here I am writing a post about being engaged two years out of college.  I couldn’t keep the engagement a secret for very long…(yes mom and dad I alerted you guys first).  It’s still a mystery how I’ve kept my new job a secret for nearly a month now.  That is a post for another day though.

I know nothing about weddings.  I know I like wedding dresses.  I know I like to watch the drama on TLC bride shows.  Friday Brideday on TLC?  Please, I’ve DVRed close to every episode and can watch it whenever I want too.

In College
In College

Anyways when people get engaged I think it’s always interesting to tell a bit about how it happened.  Most females like to showcase their ring.  I love my ring and I’m not even a ring person.  Finally I suppose I should tell you more about Tim and I’s relationship…

Tim and I got engaged on April Fools Day.  (The day I announced we had adopted a turkey…the turkey was a joke).  I don’t think he had always been planning it that way but the timing worked out and we did.

San Antonio when I visited last November
San Antonio when I visited last November

We were at home just relaxing.  As much as you probably don’t believe this, I’m not that loud of a person off the internetz. I don’t like a lot of attention on me, nor do I like to be the center attention.  How is this relevantI don’t think I would ever want to get engaged when 100000 people are around and watching.  Since we have been dating for a long time, I would like to assume Tim probably knew that.  He did.

But anyways we were at home just relaxing watching trashy tv.  Tim is a good sport and generally foam rolls my legs most nights.  Due to my ostrich ways, I get the worse calf cramps so he generally rolls them out with the massage stick.  He had been complaining about his calves hurting and asked if I would foam roll his…

After whining a bit I said okay. (just kidding)

The night we found out we were Jersey bound
The night we found out we were Jersey bound.  

So here I am foam rolling his legs.  Little did I know, he had attached the ring to the foam roller.  I was literally in my own foam rolling zone.  The ring was probably 6 inches in front of my face (zip tied to the foam roller) and I had no idea.  After a minute he gets up suddenly and has a pair of scissors.

All I could think was why do we have scissors by the bed.  The next thing I knew (or didn’t) he was proposing!  I was so shocked and didn’t know what to say.  (I literally didn’t, I was speechless for a solid minute).

Then I said yes because I already knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.  I have never been happier.  Tim understands my off sense of humor, my real life awkwardness and makes me a better person.  He always has and he always will.

So here I am two days later writing a post that I am now engaged.  I still cannot believe it.  I am shocked, excited, wondering if this is my life…I can’t promise I will or won’t talk about the wedding.  I haven’t done anything regarding wedding planning in the last two days…or ever in my life I guess…  I know how to pin things on pinterest and that is the extent of my knowledge of weddings.

This post is getting lengthy so I will write a longer version of how we met sometime later on.  In typical LOLZ cliff notes style we met at “college cross country race, dated senior year of college, did a long distance relationship while he was in flight school, lived in Texas and now lived in NJ”.  

Tim's flight school graduation
Tim’s flight school graduation

Since I have giant swimmer man hands, I tried to crop them out for the photo of the ring.  I absolutely love the ring and think he made a great choice.  I’m not a big ring wearer so didn’t want anything gaudy, big or obnoxious.  (Once he were talking in passing about rings and ring style and all I said I knew was I didn’t want a pair of brass knuckles).  I’m not one to say “look at me, look at my ring”.  This is absolutely my style.  I really love the color rose gold so I am glad it incorporated that too.


So we met running and got engaged by use of a foam roller.  Now that is proper running technique.

The most important question though comes from my blog title.  In proper technique, I will use readers choice to determine…

Should I change my name to Mrs. Fueledbyfuel or should he be forced to go by the name of Mr. Fueledbylolz?

Questions for you (besides answering the poll):

Any wedding tips?

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  1. Congratulations on your engagement! The ring is beautiful, as is the way he proposed. I won’t give you advice, since that would assume I’m some sort of expert. But like training for a marathon, marriage is work, and you get out of it what you put into it.

    1. Aww, I love this advice. SO SO true. Even though I’m a ‘new-bie’ – definitely have learned you have to be in it for the long haul- marathon training isn’t easy (as you know), nor is marriage. But it’s the best thing I ever did. <3

  2. #1 wedding tip. Do what you toe want to do, and not what other people want you to do. It’s your day! You’ll get lots of advice and requests, but it is impossible to satisfy even 10% of them.

    Enjoy being engaged! It’s a fun time, and I could not be happier for you both!

  3. YAY!!! Congrats Hollie!! What an exciting time in your life! Looking forward to reading future wedding prep posts 🙂

  4. Congrats! My biggest advice to newly engaged is to keep in perspective what your wedding day is actually about while you’re planning. (Much to guests dismay, the day is not actually about pleasing them.) I feel if you keep that perspective then decisions become easier and planning feels more simple and the day will be perfect no matter what!

  5. OMG!! Congrats!!! I LOVE WEDDING PLANNING!!!! TRY to enjoy this time….Things are going to get stressful but just remember the most important thing… that you guys will be together in the end;) I can’t wait to hear deets!!!!! Congrats again doll!!!!

  6. The best! The cloud in the first week of engagement is the best…and so is marriage. The wedding part in between both is pretty crazy though, but still enjoyable 😉 Congrats and welcome to the club!

    1. Secrets secrets are no fun unless you tell everyone! I promised myself I would try and hold off until I got my first paycheck. I don’t know how I’ve made it this far LOL

  7. Okay I read your blog all the time but this is the first time (I think) that I’ve felt compelled to comment because AHHHH CONGRATULATIONS I’m so happy for you!! It’s weird but this literally made my morning a little better. 🙂 I wish you all the happiness in the world together!

  8. Once again, I am so excited for you!! I remember sitting in Cape Charles water and you telling me that you want to be with him for good… 😉

  9. Congrats! I am so happy for you. I love reading your blog every morning as part of my morning routine. So glad to hear the news!

  10. CONGRATULATIONS! That is so awesome to hear! It’s also awesome that you now have a 100% legitimate excuse to spend ridiculous amounts of time on Pinterest. 🙂

  11. Ahhhhhhh!!!! Congratulations girl! I am so far behind with the lack of social media!!! I am SO happy for you! Sometimes the unexpected small engagements are the best!

  12. Congrats!!! I love that you got engaged on April Fool’s day! For wedding advice…you will probably get a lot of opinions from people (I swear they come out of the wood-work) but at the end of the day you need to do what will make you and Tim happy. When you look back in 10, 20, 30 years from now you need to know that you had YOUR wedding and loved every minute!

  13. EKKK, CONGRATULATIONS! That is a sweet proposal story! Can’t wait to follow along with the wedding planning!

  14. SO EXCITED FOR YOU! and i love the fact that he used a running prop in the proposal. so fitting for your life! hahaha. beautiful ring, too 🙂

  15. I’m so excited for you Hollie!! Love how he used the foam roller. That’s too perfect. Congratulations!!

  16. Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! The fact that he used a foam roller is too cute- the best stories are the different ones. When they propose in a way that is perfect for the two of you. I’ve never been a really wedding person until I started using Pintrest. Haha. Now I have a big board of wedding ideas… We’ll have to see how that one shakes out.

  17. Haha – I love that you got engaged on April 1st!

    Seriously though, huge congratulations. I am so happy for you, and also congrats on the new job as well (you did keep that one quiet!) Not that I ever will, but if I ever was engaged then attaching a ring to a foam roller would definitely win points with me. It’s a gorgeous ring too. I love that it’s not obnoxious or showy, but classy and understated (and still absolutely beautiful). You will be a stunning bride, just like the ring…let’s face it, with your figure you could wear absolutely anything and still look bloody brilliant.


  18. Congrats again!! So exciting! And I’m glad your readers have it right. The only way to go is Tim changing to Mr. Fueledbylolz!!
    I have no wedding planning tips as my mom and sister planned my entire humongous wedding (because I didn’t care, just wanted to be married, no interest in all those details!)

  19. Congratulations! As I said, my mother and I both love your ring, too! She professed her love for the uniqueness and design after I said, “My running friend got engaged!” Lolz. Whatever you do, do not watch Four Weddings for ideas. I’m pretty sure I’d be in debt for the rest of my life if I looked at the show for inspiration!

  20. Congrats Hollie!! I’ve loved seeing all your tweets and posts lately saying how happy you are and you know you’re at the perfect place in your life even though it’s not what you expected 🙂

  21. So happy for you, Hollie! Many congrats to you and Tim. 🙂

  22. Congrats, girl! Not that I expect you to be planning 48 hours post-engagement, but I once worked with a woman for whom running was a huge part of her life (as well as her parents, fiance, etc.). The morning of their wedding, the entire wedding party (including officient) did a brief fun run from the hotel to the chapel or something along those lines (kind of a literal life shake-out 🙂 ). I always thought it was a cute idea, and with running as big as it is with you guys, your families, etc., could be a fun addition to the big day! Just a thought — file it away and just enjoy your excitement!

  23. Congrats! Such a great moment. And yay for the new job we don’t know about yet. See you Sunday 🙂

  24. LADY! I literally almost choked on my coffee when I read your news — I’m so happy for you! Your ring is perfection, as is the way he proposed <3 My biggest piece of advice regarding the wedding would be NOT to get too caught up in all the tiny details. Pinterest has made the world of wedding planning a nightmare these days, but there's no point in driving yourself crazy and missing the whole experience because you were too stressed out to "be there." You're marrying the love of your life — that's all that matters 🙂

  25. Ahhhhhhhhh yey yey yey!

    Hollie I am so excited for you all! That seriously put a huge smile on my face when I read this post! I can’t wait to read about all of your adventures!

    Enjoy every moment!

  26. How come “Mr. and Mrs. Fueledbyfuelolz” wasn’t an option? Just kidding, that was really corny. Sorry. Congratulations!!!

  27. I’m SO excited for you! Congrats again! Seriously you better be posting about the wedding on the blog. I need to know details! 😀 & your ring is beautiful- love the rose gold. Stop being so cute, you two!
    Ok, now for tips…run on your wedding day. I did. I ran with my Dad the morning before my wedding and I will NEVER ever forget the time we had together. We just talked about random stuff, life, me growing up, me starting a new life with Craig, how much he liked (well, loved and still loves Craig)- and we were able to just have really great father daughter bonding time. And then we went straight to Starbucks (it was in our hotel) and had coffee and breakfast together. BEST morning EVER. …and then I got to marry Craig that afternoon…pretty perfect day, I’d say <3

  28. Congrats again!! I’m so excited for you!

    You can bother Danielle and I any time about wedding stuff! We’re happy to help! Biggest tip I have is to set a reasonable budget and actually stick to it, but be flexible with everything else as much as possible.

  29. Congrats!!!! Enjoy this time- it is amazing! I got married last year and it was the best day of my life! 🙂

    My advice is to do what you want for a wedding and don’t let anyone pressure you to do what they want. It’s a day for the two of you! We hosted a 5k (with bagel brunch) the day after our wedding to make it personal to us and despite some groans tons of people showed up! Do whatever you want even if its not traditional.

  30. I love this story! It fits you two so perfectly! I was SO excited to see this blog up here! I really do hope you touch on some wedding planning stuff in your blog! I love it when people add in the personal aspect of their lives in their blog. When people run 100 miles a week and aren’t doing anything else, it’s not QUITE as impressive as when they somehow manage to fit in 100 miles AND do tons of other stuff! (Although, 100 miles is way impressive no matter what. Driving 100 miles seems insanely far.) Congratulations again!!!!!

  31. I am so happy for you two, Hollie! I love the story of how you got engaged, too. That SO fits your relationship!

  32. Congrats, Hollie! So excited for you! My only advice is remember that the wedding is all about you guys – enjoy the fun and don’t get stressed! 🙂 <3

  33. I feel the need to tell you congrats on every form of social media. I also love love love this engagement story, it totally fits your personality. So happy for you!!

  34. Congrats, Hollie! I love the story – so personal and very much about you as a couple! Your ring is beautiful, too 🙂

  35. I facebook creeped and now I’m blog creeping but I don’t care! I’m just so excited for you! And how he proposed is literally adorable. If you need help with anything wedding wise I’m always available, but I will admit that my knowledge comes from TLC shows and pintrest as well 😛

  36. Congrats! I am so happy for your both! Enjoy planning your wedding, make it unique to you. There are no rules, just make sure it’s exactly what you two really want it to be. 🙂

  37. Congrats!! I’m so excited for yall! P.S. Let me know if you need a photographer; I know this amazing photographer who loves to travel! 😉

  38. I cannot tell you how excited I am to read this! I was wondering when this would happen and that ring is just perfect. I too love rose gold. Happy wedding planning 😀

  39. I am so late to the party, but I just wanted to say CONGRATS! Your proposal story is so sweet. My husband and I got engaged at home too and I’m also not a ‘big spectacle in front of 1000 people’ type of person. You guys are an adorable couple. Have fun planning your wedding! 🙂

  40. OKay, so I am super duper late, but congratulationssss!!!! It’s okay to be quiet for a minute, believe me. When my hubby proposed to me, I just started crying, oh, and I never actually said ‘yes’. ANd you thought YOU were bad 😀 Enjoy your engagement and have fun planning the wedding. Such a cute story, your kids will love it 😉 *Oh, am I pushing it a tad too far?! haha! Oh well, that’s the next step!!!!*


  41. Very nice proposal. If I ever get engaged I would want it to go something like this….meaning between just me and the guy. Not a big show or fanfare. I love it. Simple, quiet and nice.

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